How to earn $15 / day from $876 with EPICHERO 3D NFT. 100% ROI in 57 days
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EpicHero is the 3D NFT Metaverse on BSC, World's 1st Play to Earn game rewarding NFT holders in BNB 7% each transaction.
1.Connect Epichero with your wallet to start the game. If you don't have wallet yet, we suggest Metamask for PC & TokenPocket for mobile.
2. Buy $Thoreum and $Epichero on (no need to input slippage). You can also buy on (have to input slippage).
(1) On Demi Marketplace: choose 3 demi Super rare heroes, using Filter to find him/her easily.
Suggested price for 1 Rare Demi level 5 = 21,500 THOREUM
Making offer: If the price is over your budget, you can make a bid to any hero you like.
(2) Demi Mysterious Chests: Not guaranteed you can get a Super rare demi, potential to summon a high rarity hero. After summoning a mysterious box, you will randomly own 1 4 rarity levels: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Super Rare.
Level up your Super Rare Demi Heroes/NFTs here, read more about Hero leveling here
Go to Demi Dungeon, and then Medium Dungeon Lv2, kill the monsters and earn your income ~$15 profit for 5 fights in Medium Dungeon Lv2, every day.
Dungeon Ranking: You can see others' strategy by clicking their wallets and watching their fights. You can learn from each other how to win dungeon and make big money here.
Read more about Dungeon
After 57 days, you'll earn $876 usd & get your investment back in full. From then on, you will earn $15 usd per day. Anytime, you can sell 3 super rare level 5 demi heroes for $876 on marketplace
This calculation is based on a strategy shared by a user.
Earnings are estimated based on average using an example and are not guaranteed.
Transaction fees are not calculated. Gas is network fee, we have no control over it.
Figures may be subject to change.
Updated as at Jan 14, 2022.