Epic Hero x Crypto Nation AMA 回顾


Devlin: 你在吗 ? @FioreRide

Nihar I Crypto Nation: 你好兄弟 @FioreRide,欢迎来到Crypto Nation

Fiore Jack: 嘿 Devlin,我在这里感谢你今天邀请我。

我的荣幸 😊

Devlin: 我们很高兴你在这里


你准备好了吗 ?

Fiore Jack: 对今天与社区的会话感到兴奋


Devlin: ok 开始吧

👉AMA 将包括 3 个阶段

➡️ 第 1 部分:关于您自己和项目的介绍 ➡️第 2 部分:来自 Twitter 的问题 ➡️ 第 3 部分 电报上的问题


Fiore Jack: 是的,谢谢。

早上好,感谢你们让我来到这里,我们很高兴有机会来到这里与您的用户谈论 Epic Hero。

我叫 Fiore Jack 我是 Thoreum Finance 的营销合作伙伴主管,很高兴为他们及其用户全职工作

我的专业加密背景从 2017 年开始,在此之前我在证券交易所工作。我一直在管理一些工业家族的私人对冲基金,并为他们做营销。

在我开始专业交易之后,我完成了市场营销和金融方面的 MBA 学位。

早在 2015 年就将加密用于游戏目的,但不知道区块链的实际工作。我还与一些 SEO、软件和数字营销公司合作。

好吧,从 2017 年开始,我从事加密交易,并在 Pvt 对冲基金工作,学习区块链代码。

Devlin: 好的,谢谢

Fiore Jack: 不用谢

Devlin: 好的,我来问第一个问题

Q1) 传统上,游戏玩家对电脑/手机/视频游戏很感兴趣,因为它很有趣。尽管加密货币世界中的人们玩游戏的原因之一是——玩游戏赚钱。是什么让 Epic 如此特别以至于它可以吸引所有类型的玩家?

Fiore Jack: 谢谢你的提问。


通过游戏赚钱的元素从一开始就存在,现在有了区块链,这些趋势正在转向加密 P2E。


1. 3D NFT 本身非常棒,质量、风格、令人惊叹,将成为任何人特别为收藏家收藏的重要资产。


通过检查这里的惊人艺术。 点击它,你可以旋转,缩放,太棒了 https://skfb.ly/opVIL https://skfb.ly/opVsG

2. 加密行业第一次,玩家将能够通过持有 NFT 赚取 BNB 并通过持有代币赚取 THOREUM。所以那些甚至不参与史诗游戏的人也不必担心他们的 NFT 价值,因为只要持有他们的 NFT 卡,他们就会随着时间的推移以 BNB 的形式获得被动收入,而这个功能将使 Epic Hero NFT 卡变得更受欢迎和更受欢迎非游戏用户之间。

Devlin: 😍😍😍

Fiore Jack: ❤️❤️

3. 互动,人们总是在寻找令人兴奋、引人入胜的方式来与他们的代币进行互动,而 Epic Hero 有很多有趣的方式来收集、交易、战斗、探索、合并和升级他们英雄的统计数据和装备,我们知道我们的用户会记录每天与他们的个人 NFT 互动。

对于那些想参加战斗的人,我们计划进行 1 对 1、3 对 3、5 对 5 和 1,000 对 1,000 场比赛,这些比赛将使大量的对手在氏族战斗中相互对抗,每月向获胜者和参加者提供巨额奖金。

Devlin: 太棒了🥰🥰

完了吗✅ ?

Fiore Jack: 是的

Devlin: 哈哈 谢谢


Q2) 将来会有治理代币吗?这将使社区能够对有关游戏开发/更改进行投票

Fiore Jack: 这是一个很好的问题,让我先强调一下 NFT。游戏中的英雄以 NFT 形式提供,启动项目的代币是 EPICHERO

我会为你列出一些 EPICHERO 的用例。 EpicHero ($EPICHERO) 是为 EpicHero NFT 游戏提供动力的代币。您可以在游戏中使用 $EPICHERO 或持有它来获得 THOREUM 反射奖励。

$EPICHERO 可以通过赢得战斗、完成任务或仅仅参与游戏获得。挑战地牢和升级设备时,还需要 $EPICHERO 来支付费用。还有许多其他活动需要 EpicHero 代币,即:召唤、合并、升级、购买设备和武器、更换皮肤、买卖土地、雇用其他英雄、耕种等。

Devlin: 哇太棒了 😍😍😍

Fiore Jack: 您可以查看 lr 用例、治理和市场的闭环

1. 您可以用 5,000 Thoreum 购买神秘宝箱并用 500 EPICHERO 打开它以召唤随机 3D NFT 英雄。 NFT 将在发布前或发布时发布。


3.您还可以使用 EPICHERO 来升级您的 3D NFT,以在农场中获得更高的奖励。

4.您还可以通过在钱包中持有 EPICHERO 代币来赚取 3% 的 Thoreum 反射奖励的被动收入。

Devlin: 一定会看

Fiore Jack: ❤️❤️😍

治理元素集成在系统中,通过游戏奖励招募新的 NFT 使其成为真正去中心化的游戏体验。现有玩家控制 NFT 的未来供应,并在新玩家必须购买卡片才能开始时获利。


不仅可以从希腊、北欧、中国、日本、埃及、印度、罗马神话中您最喜欢的英雄中选择,而且当地社区还可以根据他们的文化投票选出下一个英雄,我们将为它创建一个 NFT!

通过连接游戏和文化,将很容易连接和传播玩家。想象一下,如果一个越南玩家得到了一个像 Lac Long Quan 或 Au Co 这样的英雄会是什么样子。对于那些喜欢拿破仑、全宇、火影忍者的人来说也是如此。

没有国界,没有创造力的限制,可以创造的3D NFT的数量是无穷无尽的。只要文化出现在地球上,我们就可以将其带入游戏中。 通过控制来自用户群的供应和 nfts,这是游戏内的良好治理系统

✔ 完成

Devlin: 感谢这个伟大的回答🥰


Q3) 当您正在创建一个 defi nft 平台时,所有黑客事件都发生在许多 defi 平台上,您将如何向利益相关者保证您的平台的可信度?

Fiore Jack: 欢迎您,在这里玩得很开心😊

不错的问题, 安全对于每个项目都非常重要 EpicHero 是 Thoreum 的战略合作伙伴,Thoreum 是目前 bsc 链中领先的 defi 之一

在我们推出之前,Thoreum 对智能合约和计划进行了严格而彻底的检查。 EpicHero 还为项目的整合、广告、扩展和许多其他方面提供了所有信息和路线图。

😐 对于 thoreum 来说非常重要的是,我们与所有合作伙伴都是合法、公平、安全的,并为他们的平台带来新的和令人兴奋的东西。


尽管如此,我们并没有休息,目前正在从 Thoreum 外部获得更多外部审计,包括 Certik,我们很自豪地宣布我们的第一次审计具有清晰明确的结果。

🛡Epic Hero 的智能合约经过总积分审核: 9.88/10🛡 审计链接: https://github.com/Rugfreecoins/Smart-Contract-Audits/blob/main/Epic%20Hero%20Token%20Audit.pdf

Epic Hero 的智能合约地址: 0x47cC5334F65611EA6Be9e933C49485c88C17F5F0


Devlin: 🚀🚀🚀🚀



Fiore Jack: 不客气 ❤️

Devlin: Q4) 您所在行业的形态会发生怎样的变化,您将如何适应加密游戏炒作浪潮的变化?现在主要是为了赚取+ nft而引起公众的注意。正如我们所知,2017 年的许多区块链项目已经不复存在了。周围的人往往很小而且微不足道

Fiore Jack: 不错的问题, 为了回答这个问题,我想首先分别谈谈游戏和加密。几十年来,游戏行业在图形和策略方面一直在发展。复古游戏仍然被认为是行业中的热门类型,现在问题是我们将如何跟上游戏行业以吸引更多投资者。

EpicHero 工作室是一个由高技能开发人员、营销人员和影响者组成的多元化团队。多年来,他们喜欢一起玩角色扮演游戏,直到有一天他们被问到“为什么不自己制作一款每个人都可以拥有的游戏”的问题。所以这个游戏是为既想玩又想成为游戏所有者的人准备的,它与加密中的 NFT 和 Defi 概念完美契合

每年全球游戏市场价值约500亿美元,而这些钱几乎都流向了游戏发行商,没有流向真正为其付费的游戏玩家。我们 EPICHERO 想要推翻这个概念,如果付费游戏的用户可以拥有游戏,从字面上看,这将对用户更有利。

所以 EPICHERO 天生就具有 2 个杀手级功能


2. 世界上第一个也是唯一一个让 NFT 持有者获得 BNB反射奖励的游戏。这两个功能将游戏和 Defi 的核心完美融合在一起,为我们的用户带来前所未有的体验,这也是 EpicHero 与市场上许多其他玩家不同的地方。

至于加密行业的定义趋势,Thoreum 财务团队拥有知识、动力和才能,能够将 EPICHEREO 扩展到月球,甚至更远。从对游戏和定义的深入了解,到无与伦比的病毒式营销执行,以及与故障安全数字营销策略的强大影响者联系,EpicHero 团队的使命是使 EPICHERO 成为 2021 年最大的 NFT 项目。


Devlin: 哈哈 好的 :))


Q5) 为了获得成功且持久的游戏体验,您需要确保新玩家不断加入并融入我们的社区。因此,随着时间的推移,新人的进入壁垒不会越来越高,也不会更难克服。您将如何确保新玩家在 2023 年拥有与现在相同的动力?

Fiore Jack: 铸造后你会发现我们已经预留了总代币的 35% 用于游戏奖励,例如耕作、任务奖励等。 这将定期为用户提供 Epic 奖励,让用户不断返回和互动该项目将从这笔额外收入中获益。

投资者的长期发展和长期利益是我们的主要目标,这也是为什么我们选择与 Thoreum 成为战略合作伙伴的原因市场。


为了 EpicHero 的长期增长,我们有一个燃烧机制;每笔交易中内置 1%,随着时间的推移,代币变得越稀有。我们也有一个储备基金,就像我们的合作伙伴计划 Thoreum 所做的那样,他们的 Thor Thunder 账户持有超过 5000 BNB 用于回购和销毁稳定性,这是熊市的最佳保证,Thoreum 是一个经过验证的案例,表明增长和弹性是可能的即使在熊市中。

多种用例,从 play2earn、收集到简单地持有被动收入,使 EpicHero 对任何人都友好,并在各种市场状态下都具有吸引力。

支持我们度过风雨无阻的是我们的战略投资者 Thoreum,他拥有强大的财务和弹性用户群,这个著名的钻石手投资者社区知道如何在与 Thoreum 的旅程中度过艰难时期。

他们已经学会了如何投资像 Thoreum 这样的长期 x100 潜在项目,我们相信我们可以在 Epic Hero 得到他们的支持。


然后用户将开始能够与他们的英雄互动,抵押他们以获得 EpicHero 代币、战斗、任务等。然后我们将进行 Boss 战,有些你可以自己战斗,其他人需要加入一个部落才能获得胜利。


当 NFT 角色升级并配备最好的武器装备后,他们可以在 1 对 1 区域、3vs3、5v5 和千到千区域加入竞技场,每周或每月赢取现金大奖。

2022 年初会有更多的事情发生,这些集成将符合未来的趋势。


Devlin: 谢谢你没有忘记这一点 😂😂


Fiore Jack: 😂😂👍⚡

Devlin: Q6) 你能告诉我们一些你的支持者的名字吗?也请告诉我们你未来的计划是什么?

Fiore Jack: 是的,对投资者来说非常重要的事情。 Thoreum Finance 是我们的初始投资者和战略合作伙伴。在未来的雷霆联盟代币(ThunderCAKE、ThunderADA、ThunderETH 和 ThunderBNB)也将用作游戏币。 关于 Thoreum,我们总是很高兴地宣布与 Thoreum Finance(区块链业务的创新先驱)建立战略合作伙伴关系。

作为我们最早的投资者和战略合作伙伴之一,Thoreum Finance 将通过将我们带到他们伟大的投资者社区并将我们整合到他们的 NFT 生态系统中来资助和协助我们的项目筹集资金和建立品牌知名度。 EpicHero 将使用 Thoreum ITO 平台启动 EpicHero 预售,并使用 Thoreum NFT Marketplace 帮助用户买卖他们的 EpicHero NFT。

此外,Thoreum Finance 将帮助我们完成从战略规划、筹款、营销、产品开发到实施的整个过程。

Epic Hero 的目标是打造有史以来第一个 NFT 战争游戏,为 NFT 持有者带来丰厚的被动收入,只需购买将他们的 NFT 放在钱包中即可。通过在 NFT 领域的不断创新,我们将为我们的用户和投资者提供可持续的价值。 Thoreum Finance 的宝贵支持将为我们未来的成功做出重大贡献。

如您所见,在 Thoreum 的支持下,我们正在构建的不仅仅是一个游戏项目,而是一个 NFT 生态系统,以邀请越来越多的优质游戏和开发者加入我们。我们有自己的发射台,为许多项目筹集了数百万美元,我们有自己的 NFT 买卖市场,拥有 300,000 名用户和 60,000 名持有者的强大且不断发展的社区。

还有许多其他项目正在筹备中,我们有一个计划,这正是您所指的。但是 Thoreum 上的每个项目都必须是不同的,对新用户有吸引力,为 Defi 空间带来新的东西并帮助 Thoreum 烧毁它,同时继续在这些项目中已经建立的生态系统的基础上进行构建。



Devlin: 好的,这是第一阶段的最后一个问题

Q7) 请与社区分享您的代币经济学?

Fiore Jack: 是的,社区会喜欢那些,因为我们有 1B 初始供应,在发布前会消耗 50%

Devlin: 哇燃烧 50%

Fiore Jack: 初始燃烧:50%


分配:1 个月完全锁定,然后每周 0.4%。

顾问:2.5%。分配:2 个月完全锁定,然后每周 0.5%

团队:5%。分配:2 个月完全锁定,然后每周 1%

基金会:10% 营销、审计、交流等。+ 2.5% 合作伙伴关系


是的, 50% 🔥

Devlin: 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀

Fiore Jack: 然后我们有空投公开发售 空投: 1.25% 公开发售: 5% 流动池: 1%. ITO手续费: 0.25%.

WBNB 分配给 3D NFT 持有者每次买卖:5% Thoreum 分配给 EpicHero 代币持有者每次买卖:3% Token Burn 每次买卖:1% 每次买入和卖出的代币回归游戏奖励池:1%

Passive rain


Devlin: 不错😍😍😍

Fiore Jack: 现在,我们的费用


WBNB 分配给 NFT 持有者:1.25% Thoreum 分配给代币持有者:0.75% 代币销毁:0.25% 代币回归游戏奖励池:0.25% 开发和营销基金:2.5%

销售费用:15%(x3 购买费用)

WBNB 分配给 NFT 持有者:3.75% Thoreum 分配给代币持有者:2.25% 代币销毁:0.75% 代币回归游戏奖励池:0.75% Dev & marketing funds: 7.5%

💡 通过代币经济学,我们将如何稳定价格

为了帮助稳定代币的价格,每笔交易的 1% 将被直接销毁,以抵消这些新代币进入流通供应。为了进一步提供稳定性并长期增加代币的价值,我们还包含在代码中,每笔交易的 1% 将返回池中以补充作为奖励给予的那些。这意味着代币池永远不会耗尽,因为它会不断从用户交互中补充。

To help stabilize the price of the token 1% of every transaction will be directly burnt to offset these new tokens coming into the circulation supply. To further provide stability and increase the value of the token long term we have also included in the code, 1% of every transaction will go back into the pool to top up those given out as rewards. This will mean that the pool of tokens will never become depleted as it is constantly topped up from user interactions.


我们有一个需要大量代币才能激活的升级机制。 Epic Hero NFT 目前最高可以升级到 13 级,每次升级 Epic Hero 代币都会被烧毁。每个级别都需要更多的史诗英雄代币。虽然升级的成本会很高,但升级英雄的好处也将是巨大的。具有更高等级的英雄可以在赌注、PvE 和 PvP 中获得更多收益,这让用户有充分的理由升级他们的英雄。

完成. 🚀

Devlin: 💡 谢谢你的介绍🥰🥰


Devlin: ➡️ 第 2 部分:来自 Twitter 的问题

https://twitter.com/luckluckan1/status/1438031606665474048?s=19 谈区块链领域的游戏制作。许多游戏玩家都关心诸如奖励、稀有卡牌、P2E 和分辨率或图形之类的东西。 EpicHero 提供哪些特定的游戏产品,或者您提供所有这些产品?

Fiore Jack: 这是个好问题,

Devlin: 😍😍😍

Fiore Jack: EpicHero 提供稀有卡片、p2e 惊人的行业图形 3d 独特功能。 现在,EPIC HERO 的一些杀手级功能使其领先于竞争对手。 3 杀手级功能

1. 世界上第一个 NFT 游戏,也是迄今为止唯一一个给 NFT 持有者 BNB 反射作为奖励的游戏。

2. BSC 上最大规模的战斗,每个用户都有数千个用户,可能使用数千个 NFT 同时竞争以赢得真正的奖金。

3. 用户很高兴拥有和炫耀的真正 3D NFT,每个都具有独特的外观和令人惊叹的图形。用户第一次可以在 3D 模式下完整地查看他们的 NFT,旋转、放大和查看壮观的 360 度视图。

EpicHero 还拥有独特而强大的燃烧机制:合并 2 个 NFT 英雄以获得 1 个具有更好属性和稀有性的英雄。您将获得宝贵的 NFT,并且每次合并时高度有限的 EpicHero NFT 变得更加稀有! 我们的燃烧 🔥 保持通货膨胀控制。



Devlin: 😂😂😂

Fiore Jack: 是不是独一无二

Devlin: 像我们一样



Fiore Jack: 是的😂😂

Devlin: 下一个问题

Fiore Jack: 我们开始吧

Devlin: https://twitter.com/Asyx9898/status/1438003133066584064?s=19 你说用户只要把 NFT 放在钱包里,就可以从交易税中获得 5% 的 BNB 奖励。那么这个 NFT 是从哪里来的呢?从赢得比赛开始还是我们可以在您的商店购买?大量持有 NFT 会导致 NFT 膨胀和价值损失。你将如何解决?

Fiore Jack: 是的,将 NFT 保存在钱包中并从费用中获得奖励。正如我所提到的,现有投资者控制着 NFT 的供应。作为固定收入的 Epic Hero,您首先需要购买 Epic Hero NFT。 NFT 可以在 Thoreum 市场上使用 Thoreum 购买。价格将在 5000 Thoreum 代币左右,但这个数字会根据 Thoreum 的价格动态调整,之后您将可以使用 Thunder Alliance 中的任何代币以折扣价购买 Epic Hero NFT。 (ThunderADA、ThunderBNB、ThunderCAKE、ThunderETH 等

这总结了 NFT 的购买,现在让我们讨论奖励。

有史以来第一款通过 Play-To-Earn 游戏来奖励 NFT 持有者 BNB,因为他们只是持有 NFT。这笔 BNB 相当于所有代币交易和 NFT 市场交易税的 5%,在持有者之间分配。这种创新机制为 Epic Hero NFT 持有者提供了大量的被动收入,加班,只需将 NFT 放在他们的钱包中。

Devlin: 😐 对参与者有好处 😘😘

Fiore Jack: 所以那些甚至不参与史诗游戏的人都不必担心他们的 NFT 价值,因为简单地持有他们的 NFT 卡会随着时间的推移以 BNB 的形式获得被动收入,而这个功能将使 EpicHero NFT 卡在非- 游戏用户。

Yeah thats very good feature for participants😍

Now the inflation part of question,

To combat inflation, EpicHero has a unique & powerful burn mechanism Like, Merge 2 NFT Heroes to get 1 with better attributes & rarity. You get your precious NFT, and the highly limited EpicHero NFTs become even rarer by each merge!

With all these exciting features, along side the actual NFTs themselves being so awesome and collectable, the value of these tokens will only increase alongside the passive reflections received.

Devlin: so good 🥰🥰

Fiore Jack: Amazing control

Done ✔

Devlin: ok next question

https://twitter.com/MichaelK103001/status/1438003467205836802?s=19 I do not consider myself a professional gamer, in fact I do not play regularly. However, Epic Hero caught my attention and I am interested in starting to play it. Do you think that someone like me, who is not a regular or professional gamer, can easily understand Epic Hero.?

Fiore Jack: Amzing question, for new users in the industry we definitely have structure

Epic Hero is the first ever NFT game that rewards its holders with real money just by holding EpicHero NFTs in their wallet. Users are paid passive everytime there’s a transaction of EpicHero, making it an ideal passive income source. The more NFTs you hold the bigger the reflection rewards without playing anything in the Epic Hero system. For most users who are not familiar with Defi or NFTs, this experience is epic!

Secondly for those who are casual gamers, who play often!

With $EpicHero being earned both for winning and for playing regularly, make sure to play at least 10 matches per day to ensure you collect your weekly bonus. Be strategic with your $EpicHero and decide whether it is best to hold it, or use it to recruit.

So what about the hard core players while we are subject lets explain that too.

For more hardcore gamers! Who want to be the best!

Top players every week are awarded a sum of $EpicHero tokens. Winning these prizes regularly will greatly increase your $EpicHero bag, which will continue to rise in value with the success of the game.

Devlin: wow great 😍😍

Fiore Jack: Now finally collectors

And if you are just love to collect, and need to have one of everything.

Become an NFT Trader or Collector. Experienced users can use our decentralized marketplace to spot an opportunity to buy low and sell high trading any NFT they choose, or just collect hundreds of affordable NFTs to get the auto reflection rewards and sell them when the price is favourable. Thanks to Epic Hero marketplace and our innovative NFT static rewards mechanism, users have many choices to improve their earning by trading or collecting Epic Hero’s NFT cards.


Devlin: thank man

the next question

Fiore Jack: 😂😂

Devlin: https://twitter.com/Itachicvc/status/1438016604818739201?s=19 For a project development first of all main priority is having enough fund. Does your team financially capable to run this project? Do you have enough fund for it is developement? Can you tell us that how your project generate the profit?

Fiore Jack: Lets go

Nice question, funds plays vital role in the stability of a project. Thats why ,Our main goal is long-term growth and profit for investors, which is why we chose Thoreum as a strategic partner, a project that has been battle-tested and has the proper recipe for long-term success, even during adverse market situations.

It's a mix of tokenomics' inherent strengths, many novel use cases, a smart and committed staff, and a laser-like focus on the future.

Thoreum already has 20 local groups with a total of 140,000 members, including Indonesia, Vietnam, India, Bangladesh, Iran and others, which EpicHero has gained immediate exposure to.

Thoreum’s huge network spans the entire globe, across their telegram pages interacting with hundreds of thousands of people from various nationalities, religions, languages and ethnicities.

Thoreum is very strong in marketing and massive advertising and it has already begun. USD 30,000 has already been spent to advertise EpicHero everywhere on BSCscan, Poocoin, Coinzilla, BSCNetwork, PlaytoEarn.net, BSCNews, with famous influencers on Twitter, and multiple AMAs with investment groups and media partners. This is just the start of the big marketing campaign, further activities and investments to come.

In its turn, as the world’s first NFT to give holders reflection rewards in BNB, EpicHero is expected to be a true game changer, and the next big element to boost Thoreum’s long term success, with Thoreum being Epic Hero’s long term strategic partner.


Devlin: haha good

https://twitter.com/ArumiChannn/status/1438012013230247936?s=19 In the game, what type of payment do you apply to make it easier for players? will there be an option to connect to Metamask & Wallet Connect while playing? And Can you describe your "expectations" of the gaming experience you would like to improve with EPICHERO?

final question for part 2

Fiore Jack: Thanks for asking question, you can easily trade with any wallet trustwallet, metamask. Preferably, dapps wallets to run smooth transactions.

For currencies, You can summon your hero through the hero summoning page. You need to pay 5000 Thoreum Tokens ( this number will be dynamically adjusted based on Thoreum price) for each hero. In the future you can pay by any tokens in the Thoreum Alliance with a discounted price ( ThunderADA, ThunderBNB, ThunderCAKE, ThunderETH and more).

And now for your expectation part 😍

EpicHero is a diverse group of highly skilled developers, marketers, and influencers. For years, they played role playing games together, until the day they were asked a question "why not make a game ourselves that everyone can own a piece of it". So this game is for the people who both want to play and become owners of a game, and it’s a perfect fit with the NFT and Defi concept. And with backing up from thoreum as EpicHero intial fund supporter , experience in defi platform we will keep seeing amazing roadmap with integrations in game



Devlin: ok thank man

Phase 2 has ended


Devlin: ➡️ Part 3: Telegram direct questions

📝Rules for Live Segment👇🏻

• Join: - - @epicheroio

👉Do not tag guests when asking questions 👉 Please join the group before the AMA starts 👉 Read and follow all the rules. If you don't follow the rules, you won't be rewarded. Good luck!

Nihar I Crypto Nation: Random code

Devlin: are you ready @FioreRide

Fiore Jack: Yes sir 🚀🚀❤️

Devlin: We will open chat in 3 seconds





Devlin: So, let's invite @FioreRide to choose & answer the 5 best questions 😉

Fiore Jack: Amazing response 😍,

Lets go time to answer the 5 Questions,

MrJ: @FioreRide what makes EPICHERO NFT the safemoon of NFT?

Fiore Jack: Hi MrJ , What makes EpicHero NFT the safemoon is due to its amazing tokenomics . On top of all this exciting action, Epic Hero is the First Ever play to earn game that rewards its NFT holders with 5% BNB of token transaction and NFT marketplace transaction tax. This innovative mechanism gives the Epic Hero NFT holder's great passive income overtime simply by holding the NFT in their wallet.

So those not even engaging in epic gaming need not worry about their NFT value because simply by holding their NFT cards will give them passive income over time in the form of BNB, and this feature will make Epic Hero NFT cards become more desirable and more popular between non-gaming users .

To facilitate Epic Hero NFT passive reflection rewards, a 10% tax is levied on each Epic Hero NFT transaction made in the Thoreum NFT Marketplace. Half of all these taxes are returned to the remaining NFT holders, in the form of BNB reflections, the other half, funds game development, advertising and marketing expenses.

+Quinton+: Q. I think your project is great so how is the way to buy your token? any presale and publicsale?

Fiore Jack: Hi, Quinton Thank you 😊 The project is super amazing and definite long term one. Must have in wallet 👀❤️ .. Now , the answer to your question.. 🚀EpicHero Presale ITO INFORMATION

$EPICHERO token will be launch on Thoreum ITO Platform using overflow method to make sure everyone will have a spot in the presale.

1. ITO Time: ⏳Presale: From 14h UTC, Sept 13th to 14h UTC, Sept 17th, 2021 ⏳Pancakeswap launch: 15h UTC Sept 17th, 2021

2. ITO Structure Please refer to tokenomics

3. Prices💲: Commit with WBNB on WhiteListed Pool: 1 EPICHERO = $0.18 (15% discount)


Commit with WBNB on WBNB Pool: 1 EPICHERO = $0.20 (5% discount)

PancakeSwap launch price: 1 EPICHERO = $0.21 (This price is estimated, given WBNB, THOREUM, THUNDERCAKE, THUNDERBNB, THUNDERADA, THUNDERETH at presale start time.)

4. Referral program Get your referral link when you connect your wallet on THOREUM ITO website, share to your friends and earn 2% of their final allocated deposit!

You will automatically receive your commission when they claim on Presale ending day, Sep 17th at 14:00 UTC.

5. 😎Advantages for buying in this Presale😎 🧨 You are buying at the best price, that is to say from where the price starts because up to where it goes up, that has no limit. 🧨 Free of 5% buy fee fee that will be from the moment EPICHERO launch on PancakeSwap.

6. What will happen after presale end and not all token is sold All the unsold tokens will be send to game incentives pool ( farming, PvE, PvP, etc.) to reward gamers.

7. How will EPICHERO be used after presale? You can buy Mysterious Chest with 5,000 Thoreum and open it with 500 EPICHERO to summon a random 3D NFT hero. The NFTs will be released before launch or right on launch. This hero will immediately receive 5% WBNB reflection rewards from each buy&sell of EpicHero and can be used to staking in EpicHero farm. You can also use EPICHERO to level up your 3D NFT to earn higher rewards in farm. You can also earn a passive income of 3% Thoreum reflection rewards just by holding EPICHERO tokens in your wallet.

8. What will happen with all the THUNDERXXX token commited after presale? All the ThunderXXX tokens will be burnt, tx will be recorded in docs and public announcement

Devlin: 3 more 😘😘

Lusiana©: I read that EpicHero has 2 tokens namely EPICHERO & THOREUM, of course the two tokens have different Functions and Roles. Can you explain the Different Roles and Functions of these tokens? And which token will be the main currency in the Game?

Fiore Jack: Hi, Lusiana

Thanks for asking, the two different tokens provide different in-game and out of game utilities. I will list some of them for you.

EpicHero ($EPICHERO) is the token that powers the EpicHero NFT game. You can use $EPICHERO in game or just hold it to earn thoreum in rewards.

$EPICHERO is acquired by winning battles, completing quests, or simply participating in games. $EPICHERO is also required for expenses when challenging dungeons and upgrading your equipment. There are many other activities that require the EpicHero token, namely: summoning, merging, leveling, buying accessories & weapons, changing skins, buying & selling land, hiring other’s heroes, farming, etc.

$THOREUM is the platform token required to interact with Thoreum NFT Platform.

$THOREUM use cases for Epic Hero include interacting with the NFT Marketplace to buy & sell heroes, summon a new hero and level up an existing hero.

Thoreum ($THOREUM) is a hyper-deflationary token built with innovative tokenomics and earning features, designed to be Safemoon 2.0.

In only 2 months after launch, Thoreum has won over a community of over 44,000 loyal holders, who witnessed its price steadily increase even during the most recent BTC bear market.

EpicHero will use Thoreum’s ITO platform to launch EpicHero presale, and Thoreum NFT Platform's marketplace will help users buy & sell their EpicHero NFTs.

Summoning a Hero cost Thoreum tokens

You can summon your hero through the hero summoning page. You need to pay 5000 Thoreum Tokens ( this number will be dynamically adjusted based on Thoreum price) for each hero. In the future you can pay by any tokens in the Thoreum Alliance with a discounted price ( ThunderADA, ThunderBNB, ThunderCAKE, ThunderETH and more).

Leveling up cost both EPICHERO & THOREUM

The heroes are all level 1 in the beginning and can be upgraded by consuming EPICHERO and THOREUM token. The higher the level, the more token are required. The higher the level, the more rewards can be obtained from in-game activities.

Devlin: 2 more

Lý Nhật Minh: Are you planning to promote your project in countries / regions where English is not good? Do you have a local community for them to better understand your project?

Fiore Jack: Hi Ly Nhat Minh

Thoreum already has 20 local groups with a total of 140,000 members, including Indonesia, Vietnam, India, Bangladesh, Iran and others, which EpicHero has gained immediate exposure to. Thoreum’s huge network spans the entire globe, across their telegram pages interacting with hundreds of thousands of people from various nationalities, religions, languages and ethnicities.

Thoreum is very strong in marketing and massive advertising has already begun. USD 30,000 has already been spent to advertise EpicHero everywhere on BSCscan, Poocoin, Coinzilla, BSCNetwork, PlaytoEarn.net, BSCNews, with famous influencers on Twitter, and multiple AMAs with investment groups and media partners. This is just the start of the big marketing campaign, further activities and investments to come.

In its turn, as the world’s first NFT to give holders reflection rewards in BNB, EpicHero is expected to be a true game changer, and the next big element to boost Thoreum’s long term success, with Thoreum being Epic Hero’s long term strategic partner.

Devlin: 1 more

ㅎNancy ㅎ: How do you deal with the security threats of your project? DO you have any AUDIT in recent times for trust?

Fiore Jack: Before we were allowed to launch, Thoreum made it very clear that we had to hand all the code over to them, along with all the documentation and a road map for integration, advertising, expansion and many many other aspects of the project. It is very important to them that we (as well as all the other partner projects) are legitimate, fair, safe, and bring something new and exciting to their user base. So we are happy to report that they are happy with all the information that we handed over and have themselves done a full audit of the code and the business.

Audit link: https://github.com/Rugfreecoins/Smart-Contract-

Dont forget feature of 2 heros for new born hero

5 Question done🚀

Devlin: It's great, thank you for accompanying and answering questions from the community

Would you like to say anything more to the community before the end of this AMA session @FioreRide

Fiore Jack: Yes I would like to say about our Ongoing Presale.❤️. 2 days and 2 hours left in presale 😍 Dont miss the train. Hurry up to book your slot in The biggest 3D NFT project of 2021 This chance not gonna be available later ❤️ We have discounts in wbnb, thunder tokens & Thoreum commitment in pools for presale.

Had a great time with You all

Devlin: ok thank you very much

Fiore Jack: Thanks for inviting


Devlin: Group unmute

Source: https://medium.com/@cryptonation9/ama-recap-with-epic-hero-863579e1b7ec

Last updated