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Brief introduction what is EpicHero and 5 simple steps to join & earn passive income with EpicHero.
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Brief introduction what is EpicHero and 5 simple steps to join & earn passive income with EpicHero.
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EpicHero is the 3D NFT Metaverse on BSC, World's 1st Play to Earn game rewarding NFT holders in BNB 7% each transaction.
Connect Epichero with your wallet to start the game.
If you don't have wallet yet, we suggest Metamask for PC & TokenPocket for mobile.
Some activities need one of these 2 coins, including buying Chest, Leveling up,... some need both coins to work.
Buy $Thoreum or $Epichero on (no need to input slippage). You can also buy on (have to input slippage).
3.1. Why should I buy Heroes (NFTs)?
At least 1 Hero is needed to join in-game activities: Summon, Daily tasks, Olympus Battle, Dungeon, Arena, etc.
Deploy your Heroes, and he/she keeps earning for you both week-days & week-ends
More about Heroes:
Each hero has 3 features deciding his earnings: Type (Demi & Genesis), Level (from 1 - 13) & Rarities (7 rarities from Common to Epic).
You can choose hero type (Demi or Genesis) & start at level 1 for all chests, but rarity will be a big surprise at opening.
Buy more heroes to enjoy up to 10% discount.
Read more about here
3.2 How to buy Heroes (NFTs)
Heroes can be bought in 2 ways:
(1) In Chest menu: choose Genesis packs or Demi packs, then select 1/3/5/50 heroes with payment coin.
And see which Hero & rarity comes to you!
(2) On Marketplace: choose your preferred Character with rarity & level as wanted, using Filter to find him/her easily.
You can Level up to increase your Heroes' earning power.
Merging & Giving birth will come soon.
Level up your Heroes to increase earnings/ROI:
Earning more from Daily tasks.
Multiplied earnings from Olympus battle. For example one Rare hero level 5 earns = 44 Common heroes level 1!
And more earnings from other in-game activities to come.
Level up your Heroes/NFTs here, read more about Hero leveling here
There're currently 6 pools of Daily Tasks, where you will enjoy different APR/earnings. These 6 pools are for different Level & Rarity, and the higher Level & Rarity, the higher APR will be.
Simply deploying your Heroes to proper pools, he/she will bring you earnings continuously, especially on week-days.
Join Daily tasks here
Weekend special event with x2 rewards
Choose your prefered Legion & deploy your Heroes to join & earn rewards.
If you have many Heroes, you can split your army to all 3 Legions. There's a fee of 1,000 $Thoreum to join 1 Legion.
Winning Legion will be live lucky drawn on Youtube based on attack power every Saturday and its members will enjoy double rewards until Sunday.
Move your Heroes back to Daily Tasks when Battle ends.
Join Olympus Battle here. Rule of deciding winning Legion here
"What an effortless money making machine, without taking any risk!!!" - Doctor C.